Bethel Lutheran Church
...that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith...

Pastor Randy’s ReFirement Celebration

As Pastor Randy wrote, “ Retirement implies moving away from something. ReFirement implies moving toward something.”

A Send-off Celebration was held for Pastor Randy on July 28. Also, the two church services on July 29 featured special music, a commissioning of Sue and Randy Pabst and two receptions. A slide show, below, presents selected images of the weekend for you to enjoy. Listen to the duet while you watch the slide show! These pictures and many more are available for download using the links at the bottom of the page.

We have a copy of Sharon Bancroft’s artwork, which was presented to Pastor Randy.


Joanna & Katie Duet

The Pabst daughters, Joanna Moore & Katie Pabst performed a duet “How Great Thou Art”, accompanied by Melody Bast. Listen to the recording from the 9am service.

Pastor Randy

Selected Photos

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Artistic Contribution

This artwork, by Sharon Bancroft, depicts the words of Pastor Randy’s favorite hymn. The dedication reads:

With appreciation and thanksgiving to the Reverend Doctor Randal Pabst for your eight years as pastor of Bethel Lutheran Church in Cupertino California and to celebrate your 37 years of ordained ministry as a Lutheran pastor. God’s blessing to you as you retire. May Christ dwell in your heart through faith as you continue serving Him.
July 29, 2012

Presentation Piece

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Last updated November 15, 2018

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