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Title: Wednesday Night Speaker Series
Date: Wednesday, March 12
Time: 7:00PM - 8:30PM
Sponsoring Group/Ministry: Discipleship
Description: The Wednesday Night Speaker Series is back! Join us the first Wednesday of the month for special topics and guest speakers. Invite friends! Each session will end with a Q&A time and sweet and savory refreshments. RSVP needed! *Oct 2- Bill Wilson Center's CEO Josh Selo. Bill Wilson Center's mission is to improve the lives of youth, individuals, families, and our communities through housing, mental health care, supportive services, and advocacy. *Nov 6- Liz Milner with CIC Ministries *Dec 4 - Mission to Mexico sharing and tacos! *Jan 8 - Our very own Amateur Traveler, Chris Christensen *Feb 5 - Pastor Ben will field any and all questions about faith, life, church, scripture, theology and more. *Mar 12 (Mar 5 is Ash Wed) Family Therapist Amy Sargent will lead us through "Reflections of Resilience: Five Years After COVID" and discussion and activities will also include Holy Communion, prayer, and refreshments.
Location: Fireside Room
Speaker/Leader: Pr Ben Sandin
Ages: Sr. High,College,Young Adult,Adult

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