2002 was a year of adjustment for many of us here at Bethel.  In January we began serious discussions about modifying our Sunday morning worship schedule.  I served on a task force along with Chris Schroeder, Marion Abney, Jim Hooper, Chris Christensen, Pastor Rick and Pastor Jim.  After many meetings, surveys, discussion forums and feedback opportunities the task force developed a plan for modifying the 10:00am Meditative Communion Service to a Blended Service with a family focus at the beginning.  This change then moved the two first services of the morning earlier by fifteen minutes. While this change was painful at times, I believe that these decisions were God’s will for Bethel.  When we are obedient, God’s reward is great. 


In September, we began the new worship format with an exciting “Family Focus” at the beginning in place of the previously separate Sunday School opening.  I have taken on the responsibility of developing the new 9:45 worship service including planning with the pastors, song selections, music teams and special music.  I enjoy the planning and worship leading for both the 9:45 & 11:00 worship services and feel blessed to serve in a church where worship is a priority.  The feedback for the new 9:45 format has been extremely positive!  Thank you to all who have supported getting this worship service going, especially Celebration Choir & Worship Team participants.


The Celebration Choir has had another great year with added responsibilities by offering special music at 9:45 & 11:00 frequently this past fall.  The choir celebrates 12 years of ministry and continues to be a blessing to me.  The choir works diligently and faithfully in developing their sound as well as expanding their repertoire.


Common Ground had a fantastic season from January to June.  “The Journey” musical was developed by alumni Vanessa Hernandez, Jillian Cosgrave, myself and the other Common Ground sponsors.  The 2002 season was one of the largest representations of graduating seniors in which we said “farewell” to 13 committed youth.


The Worship Team includes singers, guitarists, flutes, percussion/drums, keyboards and bass.  These talented musicians have dedicated an enormous number of hours into their music preparation and worship leading. The band has been leading worship at both 9:45 & 11:00 worship this past fall. In addition, some of the participants lead worship at Juvenile Hall every 8 weeks. I am grateful for their dedication to ministry.


“We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose.” Romans 8: 28


May God continue to lead and guide me in my work here at Bethel, so that in all that I do, God will be glorified.


Norita Hoegel