2002 was an exciting and challenging year for me as
your Ministry Facilitator. Together with Pastor Jim we set the six following
goals for this year, which would fulfill my call.
a. 136 persons have experienced the Discovery Sessions with individual consultations. All have been affirmed in the ministry they had been doing or exited ministries to be placed in new ministry. Four Discovery Sessions were offered in 2002.
Developed a plan to integrate the Partners in Mission (new member) Class with a Network component
and integration.
Developed and scheduled a Network
process for the youth of Common Ground beginning March 3, 2003.
Goal 2: Develop
a ministry context where lifelong servants are matured and nurtured.
Provide foundation for cultural change
Goal 3: Strengthen
consultation follow-up with process to better connect with assimilation into
Erv, Ken, Jim, Joan Christensen, Judy Klinger contacted all the persons they
to see how they were being assimilated and nurtured into their new ministries.
Goal 4: Continue
to manage referrals and develop new processes to nurture exiting and entering
new ministries.
Liz Tribby redesigned the Network Ministry soft ware to be
more effective. 201 Ministry Position have been identified. 167 ministries
referrals have been made.
team by sharing perceptions, experiences and resources and honoring the shared wisdom of the team.
Developed and facilitated an in depth in-service program
for staff for 12 weeks on implementing the Leadership CARE process with the
Ministries Team they serve.
Praying continually with
thanksgiving for God’s grace in this process, for God’s continued blessings for
Bethel’s leaders and congregation and that God’s mission would be fulfilled at