HOME service

April 1999

Greetings from Japan in the Name of our Crucified and Resurrected Lord Jesus Christ.

Ours was a blessed Easter. Praise the Name of Jesus! We had the Veiling of  the Cross Service on Good Friday. This service ends with no benediction, no formal closing. The congregation leaves quietly, meditating on the suffering  and death of Jesus. Then, on Easter Sunday, they enter a dark Church in quiet meditation. At the appointed hour, the organ, piano, violins, & flutes ring out and the congregation breaks out in "Christ the Lord is risen today!" Easter Sunday was also blessed in that we had four baptisms. Two brothers, who are Sr.Hi. students and their Mother, Mrs. Kato and her older sister,  Reiko.

The older sister, Mrs. Reiko Okada, is fighting cancer. She was able to leave the hospital for the baptism. She has been in much pain and suffering, not able to remain in one position for any length of time, but her testimony for Easter Sunday, was that the Lord took away the pain. She is now resting at home. Even as she fights the cancer, her face is radiant with the joy of knowing Jesus as her Savior. Rejoice! Daiki, the oldest of the two brothers had made a decision for Christ years ago, but his father refused permission for him to be baptized. However, a couple of years ago, the father told Daiki that when he turned sixteen, he was free to make his won decision. Daiki had not wavered in his determination to be baptized.

Yoshinori, the younger brother, had not given serious thought to becoming a Christian, to receiving Jesus as his Savior. But on Easter Sunday, he became very concerned about his relationship with God and asked, if he, could be baptized with his mother and brother. We prayed together and he received Jesus as his Savior and was baptized with his brother and mother. Mrs. Hiroko Kato, the mother of the two brothers, had also expressed the desire to be baptized over a decade ago, but, her husband was opposed. Prayerfully, she patiently waited for the day when her husband would give his permission for her to be baptized. Now we pray for the day when her husband, will come to church and receive Jesus as his Savior.

We give thanks for you continued "partnership in the Gospel." We are thankful for your love and prayers. Please continue to pray that the Lord would be able to use us to the salvation of souls and strengthening of the spiritual lives of the Christians. All praise and glory belongs to the Lord!

Your missionaries serving Jesus in Japan,

The Steenbergs


Last updated January 15, 2008