HOME service


Greetings in the Name of Jesus. It was great to hear from you. We were wondering if Bethel had gotten any of  our newsletters, especially the Christmas one with pictures of the various activities. Anyway, the timing for this e-mail is great! This Sunday, the 18th, we will be having our Charity Concert. The offering will go for world hunger. Both congregations, English & Japanese will participate, singing will be in both languages as well as the message. There will be chimes, children's Bells, Guitar band, violins, etc. all from our little congregation.

We have become an International Congregation with AM services in Japanese and PM services in English., although there is a mixture of attendance at both services. Our District Bishop uses the words, Global Outreach & Cross   Denominational in describing our work.

neckbra.jpg (10137 bytes)Maybe, this is getting a little long, but let me share with you the story of Mariko Yoshida. On June 6, Mariko Yoshida, (12 years. old & in the 7th grade) suffered a severe neck injury in a swimming accident at her school. The MRI showed that the first three vertebrae were broken and also nerve damage.   However, the Lord held Mariko in His hands in a very special way. To make a long story short, the Lord healed the nerve damage, no operation was needed and Mariko left the hospital July 23. The neck brace was removed September 28. The whole family came to the church that evening to give thanks to God for this miracle. Yes, even the doctors acknowledged that this was indeed a  miracle. We praise God.

Mariko’s Mother, Mrs. Yoshida, is a very gifted woman who loves Jesus. She is the president of Meito Christ Lutheran Church and is also the song leader for our praise services. Her witness during this trying time is taken from Isaiah   43:2, 11-13, "When you cross deep rivers, I will be with you ... I alone am the Lord; only I can rescue (save) you ... You are my witnesses ... No one can snatch you from me..." (Contemporary English Version). Mr. Yoshida is not a Christian, but through such incidents as this, the Holy Spirit is slowly changing his heart. Please pray with us that he would soon  receive Jesus as his Savior.

We are thankful for the prayer support of Bethel, please continue to remember us in your prayers. The Lord has richly blessed us. Donna, again thank you for getting in touch with us. The Lord's richest blessings upon you, your family and Bethel congregation.

Tom & Evelyn


Last updated January 15, 2008