Missional Church

A Vision for the Sending of the Church in North America

From Sending to Being Sent

Religiosity in N. America

This is a significant challenge for those who take the Gospel of Jesus Christ to heart

North America is the Mission Field

Basic Thesis of this study

The real issues are spiritual and theological and this will be our focus.

Who are we?

God’s initiative: Mission is sending


God as a "missionary God"

The Church as a "sent people"


"As the Father has sent me, so I send you" John 20:21

Mission is understood as being derived from the very nature of God. It is thus put in the context of the doctrine of the Trinity, not of the doctrine of the church or of the doctrine of salvation.

The classical doctrine of the Mission of God as

            is expanded to include yet another "movement":

The Problem:


The Church is The Body of Christ

Shaped from two directions

"Where the Gospel is the World is different"

The Challenge of Ambiguity

"The church knows to expect a life full of ambiguities because it is shaped by its context as the gospel reshapes the context. Such a calling never leaves the church in a finished, settled, or permanent incarnation."

We are called live faithfully to the gospel in a fully contextual manner.