Missional Leadership:
Equipping Gods People for Mission
Leading from the front-
"The purpose of leadership is to form and equip a people who demonstrate and announce the purpose and direction of God through Jesus Christ. Such leadership, through the agency of the Holy Spirit, works to create a people whose life is a witness to Jesus Christ."
"Jesus shows that leadership in the reign of God only comes from obedience to the Father. Therefore Missional leadership requires a spirituality that lives in close relationship with and reliance on the directions of the Father through the Spirit."
"The place of leadership is to be at the front of the community, living out the implications and actions of the missional people of God, so all can see what it looks like to be the people of God. This means that leadership can never be solo."
"Their leadership will be especially evident as they equip and inform the community to discern Gods will for its missionary action."
This leadership is more than preaching and teaching.
" the Spirit equips that leadership to lead the community into missional engagement with the context in which they live."
"Eschatology is not only about the end of the world. It is about the future breaking in today with an alternative order known as the reign of God."
Leadership // Eschatology
"It was not just a matter of future hope beyond the horizon of history. Their experience was that Gods reign had already dawned, bringing new direction and power to their lives. In Jesus, the events of the new age were already under way."
" enable the church to realize its ecclesial essence, to be a community of faith, hope, and love, a sign and sacrament of the kingdom of God."
"Located always in particular places, the church inevitably sits between the Gospel and a specific cultural context. Therefore the churchs leadership seeks to express the gospel in ways that speak to the realities of their sociocultural setting."
"As Gods wise stewards, they will love that part of creation in which they have been placed."
-Gen-X service -JOY Conference in April
Leadership training
Leader as Counselor
"Pastoral identity was recast into psychological categories, with a reductionistic gospel centered on meeting human potential of the private individual."
"What does the gospel do for me?"
"How does it further my personal development?"
Leader as Manager
" rooted in presuppositions about how the world is constructed and about human control of the world."
"... renewal movement emphasizes inner organizational design.
"... growth movement focuses on effectively reaching specific target groups of people."
" effectiveness movement stresses leadership paradigms
" shaped to meet the spiritual needs of consumers and maximize market penetration."
Leader as Technician
"With the right tools and skills it is always possible to get the job done."
Focus is on tools and techniques rather than on God.
"What we have lost in the ascendancy of technique is the openness to mystery and the understanding of Gods own inscrutable work in our midst."
Being a Covenant People
"A people who have grasped their brokenness understand that the reign of God is received as a gift. It is at this point that one can appropriate the convenant nature of the missional community."
"In an individualistic, voluntaristic culture, people need to be led into forms of covenant identity."
All are ordained to ministry in baptism.
All are gifted by the Holy Spirit.
The Shape of Missional Communities
The erosion of religious identity, linked with the pluralism of society, results in churches filled with people who have no cohesive belief system.
1) Spends time within the community listening, praying and discerning the call of God for this particular vocation.
2) Integrity and spiritual maturity are essential.
3) Intellectual competence will be crucial.
4) Skill development in spiritual and communal formation will be essential.
A) Leadership is never solo.
-nature of the body of Christ and its giftedness.
B) Prophetic leadership (often suppressed) is essential.
-its purpose is to direct the saving Word of God to the specific context into which a Christian community is sent.
C) The Pastor-teacher working in dynamic combination with the evangelist works best.
Unfortunate omission
The remainder of the chapter takes on the challenges of denominational structure and function.
Do to our time, I will not be speaking to this area.