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History of Israel

The outline give the general features of the History of Israel and their dates as nearly as they can be ascertained.

1. Patriarchal Period: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, The Bondage (2000-1500 B.C. are the approximate limits of this period.) 2000-1500 B.C.
2. Exodus, Conquest and Establishment in Canaan: Moses, Joshua, the Judges, Samuel 1500-1050 B.C.
3. The United Kingdom: Saul, David, Solomon 1050- 937 B.C.
4. Israel and Judah
a. Revolt of the Ten Tribes 937 B.C.
b. Reformation under Jehu 842 B.C.
c. Destruction of Samaria 721 B.C.
d. Captivity of Judah 586 B.C.
5. The Exile in Babylon 586-534 B.C.
6. The Restoration: Zerubbabel, Jeshua, Ezra, Nehemiah 534-400 B.C.
a. Temple founded 534 B.C.
b. Work stopped 522 B.C.
c. Temple completed 515 B.C.
d. Ezra's arrival 459 B.C.
e. Arrival of Nehemiah 433 B.C.
f. His second arrival 425 B.C.
7. Greek and Syrian rule 333-166 B.C.
a. Greek rule, Alexander 333-320 B.C.
b. Egyptian rule, the Ptolemies 320-314 B.C.
c. Syrian rule, the Selucidae 314-166 B.C.
8. The Maccabees; the struggle for liberty; Judas Maccabaeus, Jonathan, Simon, John Hyrcanus, Aristobulus, Alexander Jannaeus, Alexandra 166-63 B.C.
9. Roman Dominion 63 B.C.-70 A.D.
a. Jerusalem taken by Pompey 63 B.C.
b. Maccabean governors 63-47 B.C.
c. Antipater, Roman Procurator 46-41 B.C.
d. Herod the Great, his son, tributary king 40-4 B.C.
e. Herods and Procurators 4 B.C.-70 A.D.
f. Destruction of Jerusalem by Romans and end of Jewish state 70 A.D.


Last updated January 15, 2008