Bethel Lutheran Church
...that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith...

Mission to Tanzania — July 6, 2006

Jambo (Swahili for hello) Prayer Partners, Family and Friends!

At this time tomorrow our mission team will be in the air somewhere over the Eastern United States, finally on our way to Tanzania. Personally, I am both highly energized and serene as our departure time rapidly approaches. I can't wait to set foot on African soil, to lay my eyes on Mt. Kilimanjaro and experience the warmth of strangers who will become friends. I look forward to purchasing a motorcycle for a pastor who has spent his life waiting for buses. I dream of playing soccer with AIDS orphans.

At the same time, I know we will quite literally come face to face with extreme poverty and the devestating effects of AIDS. We will have many heartbreaking moments. And yet in the midst of all of it, the highs and the lows, I know God has got our back.

Here is a look at the next 17 days. We will be in and around the city of Arusha in Northern Tanzania for our entire time in Tanzania.

July 7th to 9th - 20 hours in the air, from San Francisco to London to Nairobi to Arusha
July 10th to 12th - Game viewing at Lake Manyara, the Ngorogoro Crater and Tarangire
July 13th - Preparation day in Arusha
July 14th-16th - Visit to Kikarara Congregation and Pastor Godbless Mamkwe, who are caring for over 120 AIDS orphans; I will be preaching at the worship services on Sunday the 16th with the help of a translator!
July 17th-19th - Construction projects at Makumira University College and Seminary
July 20th - Morning at Makumira, afternoon with the New Life Band
July 21st - Visit to the Massae Girl's Lutheran Secondary School
July 22nd - Enjoy Arusha
July 23rd - Morning Worship at Makumira Chapel, evening depature for home
July 24th - Arrive in San Francisco at 1:30pm

Thank you all for your support and prayers. Please pray for safe travel (back-to-back red eyes will be a challenge!). Please pray for patience, openness and heightened cultural awareness. Please pray for smiles and laughter. Please pray for each team member:

Chris Christensen, Mary Fields, Susan Leavitt, Jackie Jones, Loretta Carter, Shareen Edwards, Lois Brouillette, Carol McDonald, Jack Paulson, Rick Sherrill

Most importantly, please pray that we will each embrace our role as Jesus' hands, feet, voice and heart as we travel the dusty roads of Tanzania.

Our next update will be on Sunday, July 10th when we arrive at our hotel in Arusha.

Lala salama! (Swahili for sweet dreams!)

Pastor Rick Sherrill, for the Tanzania Mission Team

Last updated January 15, 2008

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