Fireside Room Renovation
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The Fireside Room—after renovation

The Fireside Room—thanks

The Fireside Room—during renovation

The Fireside Room—during renovation
Hello Bethel Friends,
I would like to invite you to join me as we put a much needed facelift to our Fireside Room :-)
Improvements will include:
- Building a storage closet for the tables and chairs
- Adding a refrigerator and warming oven to the kitchenette area
- Updating our fireplace with new tile and a safer module
- Modifying the lighting
- Painting
- Carpeting
- And a few more pieces
The bulk of the work will happen between Sunday, December 20 and Sunday, January 3. If you are interested in lending a hand, some snacks or drinks, or a few more donation dollars, please contact me.
Peace, Tom
Facilities Team Leader

The Fireside Room—before

The Fireside Room Kitchenette—before