Getting Involved — Serving Bethel

Finance & Stewardship
Technical & Administrative
Buildings & Grounds

Current Opportunities

Church Council Meeting
3rd Tuesday of each month until December 16 2025
This event is from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM at Zoom
Contact Doreen Baldwin

The Church Council meets on Zoom each month. All members are welcome to attend. Meeting Link[Offsite Link].


Ministry Lead: Brian Schuette

All Bethel Choir

Please visit our Music Page

All Bethel Choir Accompanist

Please visit our Music Page

Altar Flower Dedication Ministry
Contact Karen Ewers

The Ministry of flowers is an important part of the Sunday Service at Bethel Lutheran Church. Flowers beautify the sacred spaces of our church, and are a gift to God and those who attend the services. Flowers can be dedicated to commemorate a special event or to remember a loved one.
If you would like to donate and dedicate flowers, please sign up in the church entry. The cost is $35 to donate and dedicate flowers. We need two donations each week to supplement the cost. Dedications are published in the Sunday bulletins.

Altar Flower Delivery
Contact Joanne Stensaas

Small bouquets are created from the altar arrangement on Sunday and delivered to people needing some cheering up or appreciation. Please sign up on the chart in the Narthex.

Altar Guild
Contact Marion Abney

The Altar Guild prepares the altar for worship and Holy Communion, an essential part of worship preparation. The types of tasks include:

  • Setting up and cleaning the silver service for communion
  • Maintaining the altar linens
  • Purchasing wine and grape juice
  • Changing paraments when needed
  • Checking candles
  • Stripping the altar on Maundy Thursday

If interested in joining this team, please contact Marion Abney.

Sound Board
Sound Board
Video Projection Station
Video Projection Station
Video Streaming Station
Video Streaming Station

Audio-Visual Tech
Contact Tom Hoegel

The Audio-Visual Team supports Sunday worship and all of Bethel’s events with technology that enhances them through creative uses of sound and video. Volunteers are needed to run the sound and video systems when needed, as well as possibly helping with video projects as they come along. Learn how to run ProPresenter (the software used for projecting worship content on the screens in the Sanctuary). After an initial training period and a period of “shadowing” experienced operators, volunteers can sign up for either worship service.

Children’s Activity Bags
Contact Jill Burkhart

Activity bags are provided for our younger children during worship. Volunteers replenish the bags with new activity worksheets for the upcoming service and also maintain the colored pencil sets. The commitment is approximately once every ten weeks and takes less than an hour to complete. A brief training is provided.

Children's Choir

Please visit our Music Page

Contact Mark Evashenk

The Deacons of the Congregation are members of Bethel who assist the pastor by serving communion and leading the prayers during worship (on a rotating schedule). Training is provided.

Contact Mary Deutscher

Sunday greeting, or “hosting”, at Bethel involves a commitment to be in the entry/narthex before and after the worship service—usually about four or five Sundays a year. Your purpose is to seek out and greet people you do not already know and, if they are “new” to Bethel, make every effort to assist them in having a memorable worship experience while they are at Bethel that day.

Handbell Choir

Please visit our Music Page

Contact Mark Evashenk

It is a great privilege to read God’s Word at a worship service! We are grateful for the many volunteers that have taken that assignment and so enhanced worship at Bethel. God’s Word holds the most important place at our public worship together with Holy Communion. You may sign up to lector at either service, once or twice a quarter.

Maundy Thursday Holy Breakfast
Contact Mary Deutscher

Communion/breakfast served during Maundy Thursday. The new command (Latin “mandatum novum,” Maundy) given by Jesus during the Last Supper says that his disciples should love one another. This sets the tone for this breakfast. Look for sign-ups in the weeks before Easter.

Contact Elise Holst

Organizes media in cooperation with the pastor and ministry leaders to be used for services, including ProPresenter, the Sunday bulletin, the eNewsletter and the website.

Contact Amanda Laughlin

Organizes certified attendants who work in the nursery during services on Sunday and at other events.

Offering Counters
Contact Liz Tribby

Sunday morning offerings are counted by two-member teams who record information on who gave how much to what fund, and prepare the deposit. Each team counts one service on one Sunday a month.


Please visit our Music Page
Coffee Hosts
Coffee Hosts, October 2022

Sunday Coffee Hosts
Contact Marion Abney

Each Sunday, in the time between our two services, we offer a chance to chat with one another over a warm cup of tea, coffee or other refreshments on the patio (the Welcome Zone). This is an important ministry, which helps makes both visitors and members of our congregation feel welcome, to help people get to know each other and to foster community spirit. This is also a way for participants in the two services to get to know each other. We have a schedule for our volunteers to prepare the coffee cart two or three times per year—they spend about 2 hours on preparation and cleanup.
Bethel Ushers, November 2014

Contact Lloyd Darknell

Ushers at Bethel fill the role of extending hospitality to the congregation. You are one of the first people our visitors see and are the first impression of our church. Your warm greeting and pleasant smile will help foster a sense of belonging, even for a newcomer. Key tasks include greeting visitors, handing out bulletins, and passing around the offering plates. However, the most rewarding part of the job is making people feel at home on Sunday mornings. Consider signing up with a spouse, as a family, or with a friend.
Time commitment: No regular meetings are held. However, a brief training is provided.
Christmas Decorating
Decorating the Sanctuary, November 2015

Visual Arts/Décor
Contact Mary Deutscher

The Visual Arts and Décor team design, create and install visual displays relating to liturgical seasons. This group welcomes those with a visually creative side to their spirituality.

Worship Live Stream
Contact Tom Hoegel

We are embarking on a new adventure as we begin to live stream and archive video of our worship services. We want to reach those who can’t make it on Sunday mornings due to physical limitations, travel plans, as well as those around the country who call Bethel “family.” We have three robotically controlled cameras and switching gear which provides a great combination of tech and artistry as the operator chooses and broadcasts the shots. If this sounds interesting, contact Tom Hoegel to shadow one of our operators and possibly become one of the video team.

Worship Team

Please visit our Music Page


Bethel has a fantastic music program and welcomes interested musicians!
Please visit our Music Page.

Finance & Stewardship

Ministry Lead: Brett Deutscher

Audit Committee
Contact Darrell Kettner, Jill Burkhart, Jennifer Greene

The Audit Committee undertakes the annual internal audit of the congregation’s finances and makes recommendation on improving accounting practices. See the Audit Team Job Description for more detail.

Endowment Trustees
Contact Dave Larsen, Ralph Miller, Robin Kettner, Dave Larsen, Greg Aist, Jim Lentfer

Invests and manages the Bethel Endowment Fund for the long-term benefit of the ministry of our congregation. This board is established in Appendix A of the constitution.

Finance Committee
Contact Joan Christensen, Ann Marie Kenitzer, Dave Larsen, Fara Brock (as Administrator), Pastor Ben Sandin (as Pastor), Dave Tribby (as Fiscal Officer), Kristine Lui (as President Elect), Doreen Baldwin (as President)

The Finance Committee works closely with the pastor and Bethel’s Director of Finance & Human Resources to monitor the congregation’s income and spending, to develop the budget for the coming year, and to help provide sufficient funds for the ministry of the congregation.

Nominating Committee
Contact Brett Deutscher, Robyn Winegardner, Diane Stauffer, Ralph Miller

The Nominating Committee works closely with the council president and the pastor to recruit qualified candidates for open council positions and advises ministries to fill their open positions.

Stewardship Committee
Contact Brett Deutscher

Alongside the pastor, the stewardship team works to engage all members to cheerfully use the gifts of time, energy and finances which God has entrusted to them. Stewardship activities peak during the spring and summer.

Technical & Administrative

Contact Elise Holst

Gathers and distributes information for the weekly church eNewsletter in an email to all who want it once a week and worship bulletins. Contact Elise if you want to receive the eNewsletter.

Library Team
Contact Margaret Lund

Books, videos, DVDs, sermon CDs, and other media are prepared on a weekly basis for circulation. Not only is our library is a wonderful resource for teachers and students of all ages, our collection includes everything from the works of Luther to Christian romances. Want to help? Look for details at the top of this web page

Membership Data
Contact Liz Tribby

Uses the congregation’s Shepherd’s Staff database to keep and update members records, e.g., emails, phone numbers, attendance, baptisms.

Technology Support
Contact Liz Tribby, Brad Martinson

The technology support team oversees technology needs for the church and provides technology support as needed.

Contact Dave Arnold

Our website provides a comprehensive and current view of the activities at Bethel for visitors and members alike. The webmaster oversees development and upkeep of the church website.
Men of Monday
Men of Monday

Buildings & Grounds

Restriping the parking lot
Church Work Days

Ministry Lead: Bill Weberg

Men of Monday
Contact Bill Weberg

A group of men who meet every week to help maintain the church grounds. See “Current Opportunities” at the top of this page for details.

Church Work Days
Contact Tom Hoegel

Everyone’s help is needed to keep Bethel in shape and maintain our landscaping. Watch the bulletin for details and then come out and work together on major projects to improve the grounds’ appearance. Planned workdays alternate between “inside” and “outside.” Inside tasks might include organizing closets or bookshelves, adjusting cabinet doors, or other small handy jobs. Outside jobs might include trimming hedges or painting trim. All skill levels are welcome. Contact Tom Hoegel to volunteer and for more details.

Security Volunteers
Contact Steve Emmert

Security volunteers are necessary to make sure that Bethel buildings are secure every night. Commitment is one week at a time periodically (in a rotation).