First Wednesday Speaker Series
An intelligent mind acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge. –Proverbs 18:15
What the Bible Says about Sexuality…
Wednesday, January 3, 6:30–8:00pm
Fireside Room
No, we aren’t going to be looking at our English translation Bible. We are going to be going back to the original languages of Hebrew and Greek. Why? Because every translation from the original language is biased. We will spend some time looking at some of the more interesting verses relating to sexuality that have been debated over the past twenty years. No worries, this won’t be controversial or risqué. Instead we will dig deep into scripture so that we may have greater clarity! Pastor Ben Bergren will be our speaker.
Dinner is from Boston Market: Meatloaf, creamed spinach, sweet potato casserole, and chicken noodle soup. A freewill offering of $15 helps us cover costs.
If you plan to come, we really need to know. Please RSVP here.