First Wednesday Speaker Series
An intelligent mind acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks knowledge. –Proverbs 18:15
Wednesday, May 1, 6:30–8:00pm
Fireside Room
Watch the award winning 2003 documentary, Bonhoeffer by Martin Doblmeier! Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a young German theologian who offered one of the first clear voices of resistance to Adolf Hitler. Bonhoeffer openly challenged his church to stand with the Jews in their time of need and eventually joined a plot to kill Hitler. Extensive research in the U.S. and Europe brings to life this amazing story of moral courage. Extraordinary archival footage is interwoven with interviews with friends, family and students of Bonhoeffer, with historians and theologians, and the the words of Bonhoeffer himself, read by Klas Maria Brandauer. Winner of the Gabriel Award.
The documentary runs 90 minutes so we will start promptly at 6:30pm!
Dinner is beef gyros, rice, gyro salad and baklava catered from Nick the Greek. A freewill offering of $15 helps us cover costs.
If you plan to come for dinner, we really need to know. Please RSVP here.
See a list of past First Wednesday speakers.