by Andy Stanley

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We may never notice guardrails, but they are important barriers between us and certain danger. Join us for a conversation with Andy Stanley to find out how to implement guardrails in our everyday lives. Each week in this 5-session series on Guardrails[Offsite Link], starting Dec 2, we will watch a short video presentation, followed by a discussion led by Pastor Don.

  1. DIRECT AND PROTECT Guardrails are designed to keep vehicles from straying into dangerous or off-limit areas. They minimize damage by keeping us in the safety zone. But the highway isn’t the only place we need guardrails.
  2. PROXIMITY Have you ever met someone that later you wish you’d never met? Is there a person you wish your husband, wife, son, or daughter had never met? Sometimes people are our greatest regrets because they influence us to ignore our guardrails and step into the danger zone.
  3. FOREVER YOURS Guardrails keep vehicles from straying into dangerous or off limit areas. We need personal guardrails so we don’t stray into areas of life that can harm us or the people we love. If there’s one area in which personal guardrails are most needed but also most resisted, it’s in our relationships.
  4. MONEY MATTERS When it comes to our finances, it’s easy to cross the line into the danger zone. That’s why it’s essential to establish guardrails against greed.
  5. THE HEART OF THE MATTER It’s vital to erect guardrails around our hearts because an unguarded heart can overpower our most guarded behavior.

Each video is about 40 minutes and is played through the zoom meeting. Join us Wednesdays at 7:00 pm on zoom[Offsite Link].

Andy Stanley portrait Communicator, author, and pastor Andy Stanley[Offsite Link] founded Atlanta-based North Point Ministries (NPM) in 1995. Today, NPM consists of seven churches in the Atlanta area and a network of nearly 100 churches around the globe that collectively serve nearly 185,000 people weekly. A survey of U.S. pastors in Outreach Magazine identified Andy as one of the ten most influential living pastors in America.

Andy holds an undergraduate degree in journalism from Georgia State University and a master’s degree from Dallas Theological Seminary. He is the author of more than 20 books, including Irresistible; The New Rules for Love, Sex & Dating; How to Be Rich; Deep & Wide; Enemies of the Heart; When Work & Family Collide; Visioneering; and Next Generation Leader.

His success reaches well beyond the Atlanta area. Over 10.5 million of his messages, leadership videos, YouTube videos, and podcasts are accessed each month.