We’ve got a Stellar spot for you!

Stellar Vacation Bible School
Shine Jesus’ Light
July 10–14, 9am–12pm
Registration closes July 7!
Use the Register Here link, below
Launch kids on a cosmic quest where they have a blast shining Jesus’ light to the world. Stellar rockets kids on an out-of-this-world adventure that’s light years of faith-building fun.
New friends • Amazing experiments • Creative games
Super-fun snacks • Surprising adventures • Incredible music

Registration is for children 3 years old (potty trained) to 5th grade.
Here is how the registration works:
Enter an email address that we can use to keep you informed.
You need to provide information about any medications or food allergy.
From a list, you select the last grade completed and T-shirt size.
In addition, you need to provide parent name, an emergency contact name, and best phone numbers.
We need permission to use photographs of your child.
Registration costs $66 per child which covers a VBS T-shirt, sciency gizmos, VBS music, snacks.
$10 of your registration fee goes towards our VBS service project.
We offer the option of credit card payment (via PushPay) or a check.
Scholarships are available and kept confidential, please inquire with Amanda Laughlin.
To ensure your spot, you must register by the end of June. If the cost is prohibitive, please contact Amanda Laughlin for scholarship needs.
Refund Policy: You may cancel and receive a refund at any time up to July 2nd, 2023.
Volunteers should register here.
Bethel Lutheran’s Stellar VBS Service Project
We will be partnering with West Valley Community Services
as we all help drive out hunger and homelessness.
West Valley Community Services has been providing support to women, children and men living in poverty in the west valley since 1973.
We are collecting non-refrigerated food items.
During the week of VBS, all participating children have an opportunity to shop at our VBS store
and pick out items that they would like to give to West Valley Community Services.
$10 of your VBS tuition will cover this.
Children can also bring more money and/or food (from the given list) from home if they wish.
Read a list of needed items and more detail in this flyer.
VBS Family Sunday is the following Sunday, Jul 16.
Join us for worship at 10:45am — Kids will sing songs they learned that week.
After worship, join us on the playground for lunch at the Lemongrass food truck,
Kona Ice
and Stellar Activities.