Pay it Forward Challenges

Challenge for week 1
Kids—Make sure to say thank you to your Mom, Dad or Grandparents every day this week for something that they have done for you.
Family—Collect your spare change in a jar throughout the summer and choose a charity to give it to at the end of the summer.
Adults—Collect your spare change in a jar throughout the summer and choose a charity to give it to at the end of the summer.
Challenge for week 2
Kids—Leave encouraging messages for others (on your llama post-it notes).
Family—Leave encouraging messages for others (on your llama post-it notes).
Adults—Leave encouraging messages for others (on your llama post-it notes).
Challenge for week 3
Kids—Be on pick up trash patrol… you see a piece of trash… pick it up and throw it away.
Family—Go through your closets and donate a couple of items to a good cause.
Adults—Give someone new every day … eye contact and a smile and keep the door open for someone behind you.
Challenge for week 4
Kids—Invite a friend to come to Bethel Lutheran with you.
Family—Invite a family to come to Bethel Lutheran with you.
Adults—Sit next to someone you don’t know in church, welcome them and introduce yourself.
Challenge for week 5
Kids—Draw a happy picture and give it to someone in your family and/or a neighbor.
Family—Make a batch of cookies and/or homemade thank you cards for a local fire department and make sure to thank them for keeping your community safe.
Adults—Write a positive Yelp review about a local business that you like.
Challenge for week 6
Kids—Ask your brother, sister or friend if you can do one of their chores for them this week.
Family—Choose someone older in the congregation or your neighborhood that you can anonymously care for… write them notes, leave flowers do something nice for them throughout the week.
Adults—If you shop online make your purchase through GiveBackAmerica
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Challenge for week 7
Kids—Clear the table after dinner.
Family—Pray together as a family at a restaurant publically.
Adults—Offer to bring a meal to a friend or someone you know that could use a break this week.
Challenge for week 8
Kids—Offer to help your parents by making a snack, lunch or dinner for your family.
Family—Spend a little time on
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Adults—Spend a little time on
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