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Bethel News

Second Sunday after Epiphany

Sermon Theme for January 19:
Wedding Feast

On Sunday we will hear God’s Word from Pastor Ben Sandin.

On the third day there was a wedding in Cana of Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there. Jesus and his disciples had also been invited to the wedding. When the wine gave out, the mother of Jesus said to him, “They have no wine.” And Jesus said to her, “Woman, what concern is that to you and to me? My hour has not yet come.” His mother said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.” John 2:1–5[Offsite Link]

Everyone’s favorite miracle story: water into wine! What might seem like a frivolous party trick actually has deeper and more important meaning. Not only were weddings very important gathering for the community (lasting several days) but scripture consistently uses the image of a wedding feast to depict heaven. Through Jesus, we will have the ultimate celebration, the celebration of the promise of salvation. The best is yet to come!

ELCA Wildfire image

Los Angeles Wildfires

We join in prayer for our siblings in the Southwest California Synod ELCA, particularly those in the greater Los Angeles area, who are impacted by multiple wildfires. We especially pray for Bishop Brenda Bos and her wife, Janis, as they have lost their home.

For those who want to make donations, Lutheran Disaster Response[Offsite Link] is coordinating with the Southwest California Synod, Pacifica Synod, and other partners to assess the needs of people impacted by the wildfires. Gifts to "U.S. Wildfires" will be used in full (100%) to assist those affected by wildfires until the response is complete.

This prayer is from the Sierra Pacific Synod ELCA newsletter:

We pray to you, almighty God, in this time of wildfire destruction in California. You are our refuge and our strength, a very present help in time of trouble. Uphold us with your love, and give us the strength we need. Guide and protect firefighters as they work tirelessly to keep others safe, and calm the winds so the flames may be extinguished swiftly. Bring resources and supplies to where they are needed and protect your creation, including animals. Heal those who are hurt, console those who mourn, and await news about their loved ones, protect the innocent and helpless, and deliver those still in peril; for the sake of your great mercy in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Sermon on the Mount announcement

Sermon on the Mount, Jan 12–Feb 9

On Jan 12, Pastor Ben begins Bible Study: Sermon on the Mount, a 5-part Bible study on Jesus’ famous Sermon on the Mount. We meet on Sunday mornings, Jan 12–Feb 9 in the Fireside Room at 9:50am. Contact Pastor Ben Sandin for any questions.

Dorothy Meyer past award winners

Dorothy Meyer Award Nominations, by Jan 17

The Council would like to open the nomination process to the entire congregation.
Do you have ideas about who would be the perfect recipient of the Dorothy Meyer Joyful Service Award for 2024? This is given annually to a person who joyfully serves our Bethel community in faithfulness and assistance. We would love to hear your thoughts and suggestions about the people you see helping around us.
Please email your nomination, as well as your thoughts as to what makes this recipient especially deserving to Doreen Baldwin by January 17, 2025.
The Council will need some time to look over your ideas and make a determination, but we’re looking forward to presenting this special award at our February 2 Congregational meeting.
View the past recipients in this photo.

Readers Anonymous announcement

Readers Anonymous, Jan 19

We will not meet in December, but for this month's book selection, please select a book of your own choosing about the season of hope, love and charity. Our next meeting will be Sunday, January 19, 2025 at 1:30pm in the library.

Chili Cook-off announcement

9th Annual Chili Cook-off, Jan 26

Sunday, January 26, noon-1:30pm, Torvend Hall.
It’s time again for the Annual Chili Cook Off, so let's get cookin’! Whether you are 'in it to win it' with your best recipe, or just comin' for the great eats, RSVP via your bulletin insert (in January) and/or contact Mary Deutscher in the office (408-252-8500).
Break out your western wear and please bring a side dish, bread or dessert to share. We will provide chili toppings, chips, and beverages. Volunteers are needed for set up/clean up.

Winter Congregational Meeting announcement

Winter Congregational Meeting, Feb 2

Please attend the upcoming winter Congregational Meeting, Feb 2 at noon in the Sanctuary. Hangout after services to hear ministry updates, officer elections, financials, what’s going on at Bethel and snacks. Please read the minutes[PDF Document] from our summer Congregational Meeting in preparation for the vote to approve them.

Pastor Ben

Wed Night Speaker Series, Feb 5
Pondering Questions

Join us in the Fireside Room at 7pm on the first Wednesday of the month for special topics and guest speakers. Invite friends! Each session will end with a Q&A time and sweet and savory refreshments. Look for more info in your bulletin and e-news. Please let us know if you plan to attend … and invite friends!

Pastor Ben will field any and all questions about faith, life, church, scripture, theology and more on February 5 at 7pm. If you would like to submit your question in advance, please email Pastor Ben Sandin or you may ask that evening.

Knitting Ministry announcement

New Knitting Ministry, starting Feb 12

5–8pm, Wednesdays, beginning Feb 12, in the Fireside Room.
Do you already knit, crochet or would you like to learn? Join this mindful ministry as we make hats for the unhoused. Yarn and needles will be provided. All are welcome! Kids may also crochet. The hats we make will go to the Phoenix Room[Offsite Link] in the fall of 2025 to be handed out next winter. Reach out to Ellen Aist or Amanda Laughlin.

Exploratorium announcement

Out 'n About
SF Exploratorium, Feb 15

Out 'n About goes to the SF Exploratorium, Saturday, February 15, 8:15am–3pm. Come for a day at the San Francisco Exploratorium, a public learning laboratory exploring the world through science, art, and human perception. The newest event is “Look up: Eclipse, Moon and Mars”, featuring an immersive eclipse experience along with meeting NASA’s Mars’ rovers and orbiters. Read the details and sign up. Contact is Marianne Nadell.

More events are planned in the coming months! Next up is St Paddy's Brewery Tour on Mar 15.

Bethel Staff on Zoom

Bethel Staff Zooms

Bethel Staff meet about once a month to record a brief presentation that you can view on our YouTube Channel[Offsite Link]. Look for the heading Bethel Staff Zooms.


What’s Been Happening

Fantasy Football Winner, Jan 2025

Congratulations to Eric Brown for winning the Bethel fantasy football championship for a second year in a row! The final score was:

Monkey Washers: 153 (Eric Brown)
Snoring Mangos: 110 (Brett Deutscher)

Mountain View Madrigals, Dec 15

We enjoyed the a capella concert given by the Mountain View Madrigals, led by Jill Denny.

Turkey Drive

Turkeys for WVCS, Nov 24

Bethel Lutheran Church supported West Valley Community Services[Offsite Link] by donating 36 turkeys to their food bank and $100. This will help families in our Cupertino community have a nice Thanksgiving meal. A big thanks to all who participated.

West Valley Community Services provides a continuum of basic needs for the population it serves, which includes an in-house WVCS Market, mobile Park-It Market, supportive services for the unhoused, emergency financial assistance, case management, community access to resources and education, special programs like the Back-to-School supplies and holiday program to support families.

Creek cleanup

Creek Cleanup, Nov 23

On Nov 23, Hella Bluhm-Stieber led a crew to clean up Calabazas Creek between Vallco Parkway and Tantau, the part that our church adopted. She would like to thank everybody who helped. The rains stopped just in time for us to do the cleanup.

6 volunteers collected a total of 84 lbs trash, 1.3 lbs recyling, 4.85 lbs glass, 6.83 lbs metal, and 2.64 lbs plastic. In addition, we hauled up several water-clogged blankets, bed sheets, and some wire mesh. Click a photo to see a larger view.

Thanks to Hella for the photos.

Thanks from Esperanza, Nov 8

Tom Hoegel led Bethel's fall Adult Mission to Mexico this year from Sep 27–Oct 1. Esperanza International recently featured Tom in their fall newsletter, Esperanza Hope Happenings[Offsite Link]. You can read an excerpt, below. Click any image to see a full size version.

Esperanza Hope Happenings
Fall 2024

Meet Tom Hoegel
Dedicated Volunteer

“My name is Tom Hoegel and I am the group leader for Bethel Lutheran Church in Cupertino, CA. I have had the blessing of leading 69 servant trips to Tijuana, most of them with Esperanza since their beginning. I lead an intergenerational trip in the spring and adult trip in the fall. Our journey to work with our family and future friends in Tijuana is a part of our congregation’s DNA and never in question to be together twice a year. Even during Covid, we had held Fiesta Zooms with the Esperanza staff and some community members, plus we sent our financial support. We carry the ministry of Esperanza deep in our hearts and will be part of our Congregation’s rhythm for years to come.”

Thank you Tom for your example of servant leadership😊, for sharing Esperanza with hundred if not thousands of volunteers over the years🏡, and many more to come!👏

Día De Los Muertos, Nov 2

Bethel's Out 'n About enjoyed a tour of the San Francisco Symphony and a matinee performance of their annual “Día De Los Muertos”. The concert celebrates Latin American music and culture, honoring the rich heritage of this ancient holiday. Thanks to Molly Schrey for these photos. Click one to see a full size version.

Thank you Tom Hoegel, Oct 27

In this video[Offsite Link], a few current and former Bethel members share accolades and messages for Tom Hoegel, who started ministry at Bethel Lutheran Church in 1984.

Bethel Ministry Guide

Ministry Guide, May 8

Mary Deutscher has published an updated Ministry Guide. This is primarily intended for visitors and new members so they can see what is happening at Bethel. You can download the Guide here[PDF Document].

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